8:00-10:30am, November 9, 2019
Living Spirit Centre Women's Spirituality Breakfast - November 9, 2019
Speaker: Spurgeon Root Topic: Healing Hearts Ministry
Spurgeon & his wife have worked at Healing Heart Ministry for the last 20 years. He started as a youth pastor and is now the Director of Outreach Ministries. His wife has been involved as the worship Director/Pastor, hosting the various ministry teams that come to Healing Hearts and co-leading Journey groups(abuse recovery groups). Have also been a volunteer prison chaplain and worked for Regina Anti-Gang Services when it was around. He has been involved in gang exit work since the program closed in 2012.He has also started taking his Phd in Marriage & family Therapy this fall and are transitioning from their place at Healing Hearts into some new opportunities that are in still in development. All woman are welcome. Bring 2 toonies to cover costs.