
Please help the Bread of Life community to continue! Make a one-time gift, or set up recurring pre-authorized giving. Journey with us!

Help us to reach more people with hope!

With your help, Bread Of Life Lutheran can continue to support the community. There are a few options that make it easy for you provide support:

PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance)

Setting up a pre-authorized remittance (PAR) for regular donations is an easy and reliable method to make your gift.

Download the Bread Of Life PAR form

You can then drop it off or email it back to us. We will take care of the rest. A tax receipt will be issued for any amount over $20.00.

The CanadaHelps Form below allows you to make a donation by Credit Card

Bread Of Life has partnered with Canada Helps to make it easy.
You can choose a one-time gift or set up recurring pre-authorized giving billed to your major Canadian Credit Card. Canada Helps will issue a tax receipt for any amount over $20.00.  Scroll down to complete the form.